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Our Story

-God Given Vision-

 The Lord has put on my heart to start a business that represents Him and the most powerful weapon we have against the enemy which is the Blood of Jesus. My heart's desire is for everyone to encounter Jesus for yourself in your own unique way and experience His perfect love and precious heart. I want Him to show up and show out! The Lord has specifically put on my heart to pray over every piece of clothing just like the Apostle Paul (Acts 19:11-12). I'm standing on the word of the Lord to accomplish that which He pleases. I have a very firm faith that evil spirits will flee, disease will leave, and great healings will manifest through this clothing line. God is about to move in unprecedented ways and do incredible works in what may seem to be strange places, (even showing up in a clothing line). This is only the beginning. Keep your head up. We're about to experience the best time in the earth and maybe even history, our God is about to pour out His Spirit in unprecedented ways. Represent God every day. Wear your worship. Wear your Victory. 

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